Get the best starting point for a successful change of ownership

Long-term preparation, insight and understanding of the entire change of ownership process is essential for a successful sale or purchase of a business.

"When the company becomes the business". This was Virksomhedsbørsen as' message when the seminar "Værdi/Køb/Salg" was held in collaboration with Focus Advokater, Revision & Råd and Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn on Tuesday, August 21, 2018.

Basically, as an owner-manager, you need to see your business in a broader context than "just" day-to-day operations. Long-term, strategic business development to achieve a sustainable business foundation is key.

The company must be able to be taken over by a new owner without affecting day-to-day operations and development, which places demands on a number of areas, including that the organization must not be dependent on the owner-manager and that the products/services are in positive development.

The lawyer, accountant and financial institution are crucial to the change of ownership process

However, it's not enough that the business itself is commercially ready for sale. Legal, economic and financial issues, such as what legal documents need to be in place, what tax issues you need to be aware of and how to finance a business purchase are all vital areas to be clear on. Before the good change of ownership can be completed.

The speakers from Focus Advokater, Revision & Råd and Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn answered the above and a number of other questions in the best possible way for the 90 participants who had gathered at Odense Congress Center.

Do you also want to know how to best prepare for the change of ownership?

See the list of upcoming seminars here.

Selling, buying and developing your business, get started with FIAG