Roskildevej 12 A, 3400 Hillerød
48 24 73 14
Contact person: Michael Nielsen
- expert participant in Elsinore
It's not just about money when a business is changing hands, we also take the human/personal aspects into account in our advice. If the next generation is to take over, the heirs must be taken care of in a way that benefits everyone.
At Døssing og Partnere, we as accountants have extensive experience in advising in these situations - with a view to organizing a process that optimizes the taxes and duties that a generational change or business purchase/sale will trigger.
We contribute with proposals for a takeover model, we often participate with advice on the preparation of a company presentation, company structure, financing proposals and contact with financial institutions, we assist with the preparation of budgets and are often involved in the process of the sale / purchase agreement and the entire formal basis. As auditors, we are a natural part of a due diligence process.
We cooperate locally with lawyers and banks to ensure that the process is comprehensive and achieves the best solution for the buyer/seller.