New credit

New credit


Buen 9, 6000 Kolding
70 10 90 10

Contact person: Allan Skov Hansen

Contact person: Jens Munck

- expert participant in Kolding

New credit

A good sale requires that the buyer and seller can find each other and there is a strong business foundation to build on. It always requires a financial solution that is robust and sustainable, even if things do not go as expected. This is where a good bank like Nykredit can make a difference for both the seller and the buyer of a business. We can and will help create a robust financing solution that is durable, even when the wind blows. We can and will help you see the future perspective of your business and advise you on the green transition of your business. What will it take to adapt to future climate goals? And what does the path to get there look like?

The price of a business will largely depend on whether this is described and managed, just as the price of raising capital will reflect the management of the green transition - here Nykredit is an important partner for you and your business - before, during and after a sale.

Once the business is sold, and preferably before, we can help with sound advice on what and how to manage the new assets. Are there particular investment needs or risks that we need to discuss?